F8 Customs HELLRAISER Smelling Salt

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F8 Customs Smelling Salt DRY comes ACTIVE ready to go!

*Only people very experienced with smelling salts should use F8 Customs Smelling Salt*

An extremely concentrated and clean hit of ammonia gas


Extreme potency

Unique 9 ingredient formula

Expands nasal passages on a whole new level to really increase oxygen flow

Most complex formula in the market

Experienced users ONLY

This is a collaboration @zonesmellingsalts

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How to get the longest life out of my F8 Customs Smelling Salt?

  • Make sure cap is on tight (Make sure the cap is not cracked or broken)

  • Make sure the cap is on TIGHT after each use

  • Shake before each use and hit the bottom of the bottle (to get everything to the bottom of the bottle.)

  • You don't have to completely remove the cap - Cracking the cap can hit just as strong

  • Always remember to keep the bottle a full arm's length away from your face!!!

  • For the biggest hit: Wait 5-10 seconds after shaking to crack the bottle.

Shelf Life: Around 6 months.

Once initially opened the lifespan of smelling salts can last anywhere from 1-6 months depending how many times they get used/opened.

*The more often fresh oxygen is reintroduced into the bottle the faster it’ll dry out and lose potency.*



This is a collaboration @zonesmellingsalts

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